Filtering and Sorting

When searching for pages you can often refine those searches using filters and sorting. Filtering is the act of purposfully restricting the results returned to only those matching a certain number of criterias and sorting is displaying those results based on the ascending or descending value of a field.

The documentation for filtering and sorting models is found within the documentation of the models themslves. E.g. To find the documentation for filtering and sorting a Mod page, look at the Mod documentation.

Filtering accepts any number of the arguments listed under the Filtering section of each model. Sorting accepts a single argument along with the value ‘desc’ or ‘asc’. You cannot sort by multiple arguments.

For example let’s say we want to search for a mod, but we’re only interested in the most popular fantasy mods. In that case we’d want to filter by theme and sort by visittotal and asc. E.g

import moddb
search =
            #what we're searching for

            #a filter (there can be multiple)

            #the sort tuple, there can only be one
            sort=('visitsalltime', 'asc')

Simple as that, and the list of returned search results will be only the results which are themed Fantasy and will be sorted by all time popularity from highest to lowest. Each item that can be searched has its own documentation on filtering and sorting and if it doesn’t then open an issue on the Github repository of the project.