ModDB Enums

The Enums in this library are used to give a global perspective of all the possible options of a filter for searching or to restrict and make more comparable enum-like attributes parsed from the html. Some of the enums are extremely long and in no particular order, that is because they were scraped directly from the moddb search pages in that order and the values are necessary for the filtering.

class moddb.enums.AddonCategory(value)[source]

Category of addons

ambience_sounds = 137
audio = 116
audio_pack = 118
decal = 124
effects_gfx = 136
graphics = 123
gui = 125
hud = 126
language_sounds = 138
maps = 100
model_pack = 131
models = 104
multiplayer_map = 101
music = 117
npc_audio = 135
npc_model = 105
npc_skin = 111
player_audio = 119
player_model = 106
player_skin = 112
prefab = 103
prop_model = 132
prop_skin = 133
singleplayer_map = 102
skin_pack = 134
skins = 110
spray = 127
sprite = 128
texture = 129
vehicle_audio = 120
vehicle_model = 107
vehicle_skin = 113
weapon_audio = 121
weapon_model = 108
weapon_skin = 114
class moddb.enums.ArticleCategory(value)[source]

Category of the article

features = 2
news = 1
tutorials = 4
class moddb.enums.Category(value)[source]

Enum for the different areas of the site which things can be attached to

downloads = 'downloads'
engines = 'engines'
games = 'games'
mods = 'mods'
class moddb.enums.Difficulty(value)[source]

Difficulty of the tutorial

advanced = 3
basic = 1
intermediate = 2
class moddb.enums.FileCategory(value)[source]

The category of the File

archive_tool = 20
audio = 25
audio_tool = 12
demo = 3
full_version = 2
graphics_tool = 13
guide = 22
ide = 18
installer_tool = 16
language_pack = 30
mapping_tool = 14
media = 6
miscellaneous = 21
modelling_tool = 15
movie = 8
music = 9
other = 24
patch = 4
plugin = 27
releases = 1
script = 28
sdk = 19
server = 5
server_tool = 17
source_code = 26
tools = 11
trailer = 7
trainer = 29
tutorial = 23
wallpaper = 10
class moddb.enums.Genre(value)[source]

Genre of the page

action = 1
adventure = 5
arcade = 39
baseball = 13
basketball = 17
car_combat = 8
cinematic = 41
combat_sim = 24
driving = 6
educational = 38
family = 31
fighting = 20
first_person_shooter = 3
football = 21
futuristic_sim = 25
golf = 33
grand_strategy = 49
hack_n_slash = 51
hockey = 35
moba = 52
party = 29
party_based = 53
platformer = 19
point_and_click = 40
puzzle = 27
racing = 7
real_time_shooter = 42
real_time_strategy = 15
real_time_tactics = 45
realistic_sim = 23
rhythm = 28
roguelike = 44
role_playing = 11
rpg = 10
simulation = 22
soccer = 36
sport = 18
stealth = 43
strategy = 14
sub_adventure = 2
sub_puzzle = 32
sub_sport = 26
tactical_shooter = 4
tcg_ccg_card_game = 54
third_person_shooter = 34
tower_defense = 47
turn_based_strategy = 16
turn_based_tactics = 46
virtual_life = 30
visual_novel = 50
wrestling = 37
x4 = 48
class moddb.enums.GroupCategory(value)[source]

Category of fan groups

arts_literature = 4
developer_publisher = 99
educational = 2
entertainment_press = 9
event = 11
fans_clans = 3
geographic = 7
hardware_tech = 5
hobbies_interests = 6
official = 1
other = 8
web_community = 10
class moddb.enums.HardwareCategory(value)[source]

The category of the hardware

controller = 3
haptics = 2
headset = 1
sound = 5
video = 4
class moddb.enums.JobSkill(value)[source]

The skill required for a job

artists = 1
audio_music = 2
human_resources = 3
level_designers = 4
management = 5
marketing = 6
programmers = 7
public_relations = 8
qa_testers = 9
sales = 10
web_other = 11
writers = 12
class moddb.enums.Licence(value)[source]

The licence of the object

bsd = 7
commercial = 1
creative_commons = 2
gpl = 5
lgpl = 6
mit = 8
proprietary = 3
public_domain = 4
zlib = 9
class moddb.enums.MediaCategory(value)[source]

What category a media object is, use for read purposes.

audio = 2
image = 1
video = 0
class moddb.enums.Membership(value)[source]

Member ship settings of Groups and Teams

application = 2
invitation = 1
open_to_all = 3
class moddb.enums.Month(value)[source]

An enumeration.

april = '04'
august = '08'
december = '12'
february = '02'
january = '01'
july = '07'
june = '06'
march = '03'
may = '05'
november = '11'
october = '10'
september = '09'
class moddb.enums.PlayerStyle(value)[source]

The player style of the game

coop = 4
mmo = 8
multiplayer = 2
singleplayer = 1
class moddb.enums.RSSType(value)[source]

Enum to define the type of RSS you want to get from this page

addons = 6
articles = 0
audio = 10
blogs = 7
downloads = 1
headlines = 8
images = 2
jobs = 11
news = 9
poll = 12
reviews = 5
tutorials = 4
videos = 3
class moddb.enums.Scope(value)[source]

Scope of the game

aaa = 1
indie = 2
class moddb.enums.SearchCategory(value)[source]

The list of things you can search for

addons = 2
articles = 5
audio = 12
blogs = 15
companys = 7
developers = 7
downloads = 3
engines = 6
features = 5
forum = 9
games = 0
groups = 8
hardwares = 16
headlines = 14
images = 11
jobs = 10
members = 18
mods = 1
news = 5
reviews = 13
softwares = 17
tutorials = 5
videos = 4
class moddb.enums.SoftwareCategory(value)[source]

The category of the software

audio_editing = 18
benchmarking = 26
browser = 31
d2_art = 12
d3_art = 5
d3_graphics = 6
digital_audio_workstation = 19
emulator = 4
game_design = 29
gaming = 22
gaming_client = 23
heightmap_or_terrain_generator = 10
ide = 2
music_sequencer = 20
normal_map_generator = 8
overclocking = 25
programming = 1
raster_graphics_editor = 13
sdk = 3
shader_editor = 11
social_networking = 32
software_synthesizer = 21
sound_and_music = 17
sprite_editor_and_rigger = 15
streaming_and_recording = 27
tile_or_map_editor = 16
uv_mapping_and_unwrapping = 9
vector_graphics_editor = 14
video_editing = 33
voip = 24
voxel_editor = 7
vr = 34
web_design = 30
web_pr_and_other = 28
class moddb.enums.Status(value)[source]

Status of a page

coming_soon = 2
early_access = 4
released = 1
unreleased = 3
class moddb.enums.TeamCategory(value)[source]

Category of companies, either publisher, developer or both

developer = 3
publisher = 4
class moddb.enums.Theme(value)[source]

Theme of the page

abstract = 18
anime = 1
antiquity = 14
comedy = 2
comic = 3
education = 17
fantasy = 4
fighter = 5
history = 15
horror = 6
mafia = 20
medieval = 16
movie = 7
music = 21
nature = 13
noire = 19
pirate = 22
postapocalyptic = 25
realism = 8
scifi = 9
sport = 12
survival = 23
urban = 24
war = 10
western = 11
class moddb.enums.ThumbnailType(value)[source]

The various types of thunbails that can be created

addon = 9
article = 5
blog = 8
company = 7
engine = 2
file = 10
game = 1
group = 4
hardware = 15
job = 11
media = 13
member = 3
mod = 0
platform = 12
review = 6
software = 14
team = 7
class moddb.enums.TimeFrame(value)[source]

How recently the page was updated/uploaded, 24 hours, last week, last month, ect…

day = 1
month = 3
more = 5
week = 2
year = 4
class moddb.enums.TutorialCategory(value)[source]

Skill covered by the tutorial

animation = 10
client_side_coding = 16
coding = 1
concept_art = 3
design_concepts = 31
general = 26
graphics = 2
installers = 27
level_design = 23
level_design_theory = 24
management = 15
mapping_technical = 6
modelling = 7
music = 25
other = 30
players_modelling = 8
pr = 18
props_modelling = 19
qa_testing = 29
server_side_coding = 17
server_tools = 28
skinning = 11
sound = 12
sound_effects = 13
starting_a_mod = 32
textures = 5
ui_hud = 4
voice_acting = 14
weapons_modelling = 9
website = 21
class moddb.enums.WatchType(value)[source]

An enumeration.

engine = 2
game = 1
group = 3
member = 4
mod = 0